Senior Services

Medicare accepted!

Dealing with LonelinessDepression, anxiety and stress are common problems as we age. There are a multitude of losses and changes in life that create unpredictability, sense of loss and instability. Retirement, loss of home, death of a spouse, or death of a child all create severe trauma in a person’s life.

Struggling with WorryAspen Counseling Center senior services focus on individual treatment to help cope and adjust to the stressors of life. In addition to the individual focus there is an effort to provide support for family members involved in caregiving.

Professional support can provide direction and guidance at times of suffering and confusion. Frequently, the most important support we can obtain comes from caring and compassionate caregivers.

Aspen Counseling Center is highly experienced in providing the care seniors and their families need in these times of transition. Please call to schedule an appointment for yourself or a family member.

All services are reimbursed through Medicare or other major insurance providers.

Enjoying Life